


Prompt in Thai means “ready,” the same as in English. Prompt is a loopless Thai and sans Latin typeface. The simple and geometric Latin was developed to work harmoniously with the loopless Thai that has wide proportions and airy negative space. It is suitable for both web and print usage, such as magazines, newspapers, and posters.

A similarity between some glyphs such as ก ถ ภ ฤ ฦ, ฎ ฏ, บ ป, ข ช is something to take into consideration because it might lead to confusion when typesetting very short texts. Formal loopless Thai typefaces are simplified, compared to traditional looped Thai types, and this simplification has to be done properly in order to preserve the essense of each character. The size and position of Thai vowel and tone marks has been managed carefully, because they are all relevant to readability, legibility, and overall texture.

The Prompt project is led by Cadson Demak, a type foundry in Thailand.


Thin Thin Italics Extra-Light Extra-Light Italics Light Light Italics Regular Regular Italics Medium Medium Italics Semi-Bold Semi-Bold Italics Bold Bold Italics Extra-Bold Extra-Bold Italics Black Black Italics

I love the wind.
Know it carries
little clips of my future
That brush
along my face like sweet mom Promising all the good that’s gonna come, Proud of all the patience. My gums really worry me some days But others I know my crooked smile is enough, and maybe I grind my teeth in my sleep as a way to hold on to at least one of my father’s habits, and I don’t hate that other than it’s some sort of tension I need to release in the day. Want to keep the night a room full of presence, a sky full of tiny angels, a time that dragons don’t get to own. The way to drown is to believe that the darkness Gets to make a home of the dark, But it’s taken me long enough to figure out That the moon is always trying to smile with a full mouth, Even at it’s thinnest, it’s a reflection of sun, Is a reminder to hope, Is a reminder that gravity isn’t trying to hold you down, It’s trying to keep you from giving your body To the nightmares. I love the morning. Love how it can feel like you stole it from the day, When it’s been waiting to hand itself over to you. Love how holy I feel in its palms. Love my friends and our episode rough cuts, And the way I can fall asleep to the sound of their laughter And wake up to their dreams come true, come hard when you have to believe the best is a thing you stumble toward in your best form. Some days to love is to stay. Some days to love is to hold your tongue. Every day love is to swing the doors open, real wide, confident the messy circus in there is light enough to swallow its own ugly, free enough to be done with hiding.








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